25 November 2009

Kreative Blogger

Hey, look what we got nominated for!

Luxengen Genealogy and Family History blog from Canada included us in their list of 7 blogs worthy of the award. And shucks! We are only a couple months old. Guess we have something to live up to now.

The rules are that we have to tell 7 things about ourselves and then nominate 7 other blogs we think are worthy. So here goes.

  1. We are both from small towns in Newaygo County Michigan. If you look at the palm of your right hand, we located about half way up the left side of your palm, (The Lake Michigan side)and in about an inch. Living in a hand-shaped state can be so "handy."

  2. Linda, the quiet and shy one, also has a passion for many fiber related pastimes such as spinning and knitting. She also loves NASCAR. Her blog is FarmMomMusings.

  3. Sandy, the boss of the room, (who is not nearby as I type this) is an animal lover. She has been the proud owner of many dogs, as well as cats and whatever crosses her path. She has even recommended inspecting the pouches of road-kill possums, to check for surviving babies.

  4. Our domain is the local history room of the Fremont Area District Library. We collect vital stats from the weekly papers and microfilm of old papers. Check the link for our room on the left of the library site, and then the Local History Room databases for names of family members.

  5. One of us absolutely LOVES snow and cold and can't wait for it to come. Got lots of wool to wear you know. Oh, did that give me away?

  6. The other of us is currently waiting both the completion of her new house and foot surgery. Mixed blessings there.

  7. We recently attended a genealogy seminar together. And we made it all the way there and back, without stopping at a cemetery. Of course, we were running late on the way there, and it was very late on the way home. But still......I can't believe we passed them all up.

And now---7 blogs we recommend for the award. Actually, we are presenting 8, so we each could have 4 to pick.

Linda's 4

  1. Pink Lemon Twist by Melanie. A great blog with knitting and family. Patterns and pictures. She features "Knitting, Spinning, and My Crazy Life." Fun read.
  2. WendyKnits from, who else, Wendy is another favorite. Its about "Adventures With Sticks and String", with some pictures thrown in of her adorable cat Lucy. Patterns and tips. She is famous for her toe-up socks.
  3. A Year of Crockpotting is from Stepahnie Ok, so I discovered her in 2009 after the year was over. She still posts regularly and all the recipes from the previous year are searchable. Do I like the blog. Well-I bought 2 crock-pots--a 6 quart and a 4 quart since I started reading her. And I bought her book--Make it Slow, Cook it Fast.
  4. My friend and fellow spinner has My 8 Kids Mom Gets Crafty. This fearless woman homeschools, makes her own cheese, spins, dyes fibers, and knits among other things. They have one dairy cow (at this time.) And chickens, sheep, dogs, and...oh yes--kids.

These are some of my favorite blogs to read. I also read some genealogy ones, but most of what I read has already been nominated.

Sandy's nominees:

  1. Granite in My Blood. Its a great resource for gravestone photography, as well as genealogy and family history. A charter member of the Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
  2. Life is a Spectacular Mess is a blog we can relate to. Her emphasis is scrapbooking with a vintage flair.
  3. The Graveyard Rabbit is another favorite. Its association is "dedicated to the academic promotion of the historical importance of cemeteries, gravemarkers and the family history to be learned...."
  4. The Cemetery Club celebrates the art and history of cemeteries across the country and even the world.

Now, we just have to notify these of their award.

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