03 September 2010

Obituary--Miss Edra M. Cooper

This obituary is a sad story of a child who apparently came to spend the summer with her grandparents, when she took ill and very quickly died. Thankfully such deaths in this age of antibiotics and x-rays are much less common.

From the 23 August 1917 Fremont Times Indicator:


Miss Edra M. Cooper of Columbus, Ind., Died Sunday Morning of Acute Tuberculosis

Miss Edra M. Cooper of Columbus, Ind., who came here eight weeks ago to visit relatives, passed away early Sunday morning at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Baker, after a three days' illness of acute tuberculosis. Miss Cooper had been in delicate health for some time but her condition did not become serious until Thursday evening when she suffered a hemorrhage which was followed during the next two days by several others. She was nineteen years of age.
Miss Cooper was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Cooper of Columbus, and was born April 11, 1898 in Greentown, Ind. When five years of age her parents moved to Louisville where they made their home for one year. They then moved to Columbus and have since resided there. During the past fourteen years Miss Cooper has visited Fremont several times and had many friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were sent for Friday the latter arriving here Saturday, the former Sunday evening. The body was taken to Columbus Monday evening accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Ernest Rasey, a cousin of Miss Cooper. The funeral service will be held in Columbus this afternoon.

Such a sad story. Only 19. It is certainly sad the way a life could be snuffed out when there were no modern medicines. It makes you appreciate the opportunities we have today.

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