Occasionally when going through the obituaries we find some that are heart-breakers. The ones involving children and young adults are the ones who are most likely to do it to me. This obituary is of a young man with a promising future, who was cut down far to early.
From the 15 April 1915 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Justin Hindes Passed Away Last Thursday After Brief Illness from Peritonitis
Justin Hindes passed away last Thursday noon at the home of Mrs. J. Brace after a brief illness of peritonitis. Mr Hindes was taken with a severe attack of appendicitis a week ago Sunday and an operation was deemed advisable. The operation was performed on Monday at the home of Mrs. Brace and the case soon developed into peritonitis which caused the death of the young man on Thursday. Justin Hindes was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hindes who live near Brunswick. He was born nearl Spring Arbor, Jackson county, on December 18, 1896, and since 1911 has lived with his parents near this city. In 1911 he entered the Fremont high school and graduated with the class of 1914. Last fall he entered the Newaygo County Normal school and was the president of the class.
He was converted when seven years of age and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, having joined the local church last year.
He is survived by his parents, two brothers, Howard and Walter, no attending Mt. Pleasant Normal college, and two sisters, Frances and Winnie, living at home.
Justin was a young man of splendid christian character and high ideals. He was ambitious to secure an education and made many sacrifices toward that end. He made friends easily and was held high in the esteem of all who knew him. His untimely death was a severe shock to his associates.
The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 1:00 from the Methodist church, Rev. J. F. Bowerman officiating. The services were largely attended by the pupils of the school and many beautiful floral pieces that were the gifts of his young associates. The body was interred in Clark cemetery, west of the city.
So typical of obituaries of this era, with its eulogy-like tribute to his character. The lack of specifics though is particularly maddening. What was the parents names? Neither is the exact date of death, although you could perhaps calculate that out. Who was Mrs. Brace? A relative? Someone he boarded with while at the Normal School? Details! I want Details!
Two mad-cap co-workers who love history, genealogy, and the occasional walk through a cemetery.
29 September 2010
28 September 2010
Tombestone Tuesday--St. Michael's Catholic Cemetery
The cemetery featured this week is located at St. Michael's Catholic Church on the western county line. The church and the graveyard are in a rural area, surrounded by cornfields, with an orchard across the road. Quiet and peaceful.
The sign above, explains the rules. It appears this picture was taken in early spring. Leaves are still on the ground and in the background of a couple pictures you can see melting piles of snow plowed from the church parking lot. Also notice that most of the urns are tipped upside down. I have mentioned before that our winters can be hard on them, if left to fill with snow and ice.
Here is another view of the cemetery, showing it in a wide angle. The trees appear to be mostly on the outer perimeter.
This large crucifix with two urns. I find it curious that only one was inverted. They are a nice matched set of urns. I hope the upright one did not crack the winter prior to when this picture was taken.
None of the pictures we have in our collection feature any closeups of stones. I was intrigued to discover the large dark stone appeared to have the name of a family member who lived in the area. I guess I need to do some investigation into that.
Some readers may remember the story about a gravestone that was found in the middle of the road, in the middle of the county. Subsequent investigation showed that this was the cemetery the stone was from. I haven't been to the cemetery to see if the stone had been returned.
The sign above, explains the rules. It appears this picture was taken in early spring. Leaves are still on the ground and in the background of a couple pictures you can see melting piles of snow plowed from the church parking lot. Also notice that most of the urns are tipped upside down. I have mentioned before that our winters can be hard on them, if left to fill with snow and ice.
Here is another view of the cemetery, showing it in a wide angle. The trees appear to be mostly on the outer perimeter.
This large crucifix with two urns. I find it curious that only one was inverted. They are a nice matched set of urns. I hope the upright one did not crack the winter prior to when this picture was taken.
None of the pictures we have in our collection feature any closeups of stones. I was intrigued to discover the large dark stone appeared to have the name of a family member who lived in the area. I guess I need to do some investigation into that.
Some readers may remember the story about a gravestone that was found in the middle of the road, in the middle of the county. Subsequent investigation showed that this was the cemetery the stone was from. I haven't been to the cemetery to see if the stone had been returned.
25 September 2010
Obituary--Ralph Emerson Falknor
This obituary is one that surprised me as I read it. One of the sisters listed is my hubby's grandmother. It gives me the name of the town where their almond farm must have been in California. Since his father was a second spouse of the common ancestor I hadn't really done much work on this name. The serendipity of genealogy!
From the 30 April 1914 Fremont Times Indicator:
Ralph E Falknor Died Friday at His Home in Dayton Township After Brief Illness.
The death of Ralph Emerson Falknor, prominent athlete of the Fremont high school, occurred Friday, April 24, at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Sylvester Falknor, in Dayton township, after a few days' illness from lobar pneumonia. He was 18 years, seven months and 28 days old.
Mr. Falknor was born in Almondale, Cal., August 27,1896, but of late years has lived on his parents' farm in Dayton township. He is survived by his parents, one brother, Rowel Falknor, and four sisters, Mrs Myrtle Walsworth, Mrs Olive Walsworth, Mrs Edrie Oneal and Miss Catherine Falknor.
Mr Vining, of the high school faculty, pays him the following tribute:
"In the death of Ralph Falknor, the local high school lost a student, athlete and friend who will never entirely be replaced. Entering the high school three years ago last fall, his work was that of a conscientious student, one who had a keen mind and was not afraid to use it to the best interests of his work. Questions put to Falknor were reasoned out, and those teachers associated with him were always sure of aworthy answer. As a student of physics this year, his mind took the research side and his laboratory work showed much thought and reasoning.
"Since first entering the high school he had been interested in athletics and as a member of the baseball and basketball squads had made good.
"Playing as third base in the former game he covered the position well in the field and was equally good at bat. In basketball he had held down a forward's position for two seasons and played the game well. As in his studies, so he was in athletics, a clean, consistent player, playing the game to the end, and whether victory or defeat, took it like a man.
"As a fellow among the fellows, he was popular. Always a good mixer, full of life and happiness, his going has wounded many hearts in the local high school. Ralph was always considerate of his fellow students and ready to lend a helping hand where needed the most. His associations with the younger students was a moral benefit to them, for being a boy with excellent habits, he was of the nature to impress upon those around him the needs of good living. His passing from the student body has taken an influence that was doing good always for the betterment of the school and his fellow students."
The funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Methodist church and were conducted by Rev. R. A. Thibos, pastor of the Church of Christ. The auditorium was filled wi sorrowing young friends of the deceased. His companions on the basketball team acted as pall bearers. Following the services the body was taken to the Evans cemetery in Dayton for burial.
It was very interesting to find this and to see this younger brother of my husband's grandmother was born during their brief stay in California. (Lost almond ranch due to drought.) As I read the names of sisters and mentally matched them to the family tree it was great to find more information on the family, who had only been names on paper, but now a little more real.
From the 30 April 1914 Fremont Times Indicator:
Ralph E Falknor Died Friday at His Home in Dayton Township After Brief Illness.
The death of Ralph Emerson Falknor, prominent athlete of the Fremont high school, occurred Friday, April 24, at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Sylvester Falknor, in Dayton township, after a few days' illness from lobar pneumonia. He was 18 years, seven months and 28 days old.
Mr. Falknor was born in Almondale, Cal., August 27,1896, but of late years has lived on his parents' farm in Dayton township. He is survived by his parents, one brother, Rowel Falknor, and four sisters, Mrs Myrtle Walsworth, Mrs Olive Walsworth, Mrs Edrie Oneal and Miss Catherine Falknor.
Mr Vining, of the high school faculty, pays him the following tribute:
"In the death of Ralph Falknor, the local high school lost a student, athlete and friend who will never entirely be replaced. Entering the high school three years ago last fall, his work was that of a conscientious student, one who had a keen mind and was not afraid to use it to the best interests of his work. Questions put to Falknor were reasoned out, and those teachers associated with him were always sure of aworthy answer. As a student of physics this year, his mind took the research side and his laboratory work showed much thought and reasoning.
"Since first entering the high school he had been interested in athletics and as a member of the baseball and basketball squads had made good.
"Playing as third base in the former game he covered the position well in the field and was equally good at bat. In basketball he had held down a forward's position for two seasons and played the game well. As in his studies, so he was in athletics, a clean, consistent player, playing the game to the end, and whether victory or defeat, took it like a man.
"As a fellow among the fellows, he was popular. Always a good mixer, full of life and happiness, his going has wounded many hearts in the local high school. Ralph was always considerate of his fellow students and ready to lend a helping hand where needed the most. His associations with the younger students was a moral benefit to them, for being a boy with excellent habits, he was of the nature to impress upon those around him the needs of good living. His passing from the student body has taken an influence that was doing good always for the betterment of the school and his fellow students."
The funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the Methodist church and were conducted by Rev. R. A. Thibos, pastor of the Church of Christ. The auditorium was filled wi sorrowing young friends of the deceased. His companions on the basketball team acted as pall bearers. Following the services the body was taken to the Evans cemetery in Dayton for burial.
It was very interesting to find this and to see this younger brother of my husband's grandmother was born during their brief stay in California. (Lost almond ranch due to drought.) As I read the names of sisters and mentally matched them to the family tree it was great to find more information on the family, who had only been names on paper, but now a little more real.
23 September 2010
Obituary--Daniel L Barnes
Daniel Barnes is another veteran of the Civil War to live in Newaygo county. This time, instead of coming for land granted after the war, he came with his father in 1963, mid war. These details set into the fabric of history always make me want to know more. See what you think.
From the 21 October 1915 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Daniel L. Barnes was born in Johnson, Trumbul county, Ohio March 8, 1844, and died at his home 220 Gibson Ave, Oct 12, 1915. he came to Michigan in 1863, settling with his father on a farm in North Dayton.
He was married to Mrs Helen M. Barnes, his brother's widow, Sept 24, 1865. Two children, Orlie Emerald and Mrs Frances Adella Reed preceded him in death.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs Helen A Barnes, one brother C. M. Barnes, of Walkerville; one sister Mrs Westbrook, of Denver, and two grandchildren, Roscoe Reed of Spencer, and Roland Reed of Fremont, besides a large number of other relatives who have known him long and well.
In 1894 with his family, Mr. Barnes moved into the house on Gibson Ave. where he died.
When President Lincoln issued his last call for volunteers in 1865 the deceased responded and served until the end of the civil war.
The funeral services were held at the East Denver M. E. church last Friday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock, Rev R. A. Thibos, of the Fremont Church of Christ, officiating. Interment in Bull Cemetery.
So, he moved here during the war, one brother had died (in the war already perhaps?), and he enlisted near his 21st birthday, apparently serving for only a few months. So many questions--did he want to serve earlier and his father prevent him? Did he want to win the love of (or perhaps prove his for) his dead brothers wife? Maybe the brother hadn't died yet, though.
Inquiring minds want to know these things!
From the 21 October 1915 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Daniel L. Barnes was born in Johnson, Trumbul county, Ohio March 8, 1844, and died at his home 220 Gibson Ave, Oct 12, 1915. he came to Michigan in 1863, settling with his father on a farm in North Dayton.
He was married to Mrs Helen M. Barnes, his brother's widow, Sept 24, 1865. Two children, Orlie Emerald and Mrs Frances Adella Reed preceded him in death.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs Helen A Barnes, one brother C. M. Barnes, of Walkerville; one sister Mrs Westbrook, of Denver, and two grandchildren, Roscoe Reed of Spencer, and Roland Reed of Fremont, besides a large number of other relatives who have known him long and well.
In 1894 with his family, Mr. Barnes moved into the house on Gibson Ave. where he died.
When President Lincoln issued his last call for volunteers in 1865 the deceased responded and served until the end of the civil war.
The funeral services were held at the East Denver M. E. church last Friday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock, Rev R. A. Thibos, of the Fremont Church of Christ, officiating. Interment in Bull Cemetery.
So, he moved here during the war, one brother had died (in the war already perhaps?), and he enlisted near his 21st birthday, apparently serving for only a few months. So many questions--did he want to serve earlier and his father prevent him? Did he want to win the love of (or perhaps prove his for) his dead brothers wife? Maybe the brother hadn't died yet, though.
Inquiring minds want to know these things!
21 September 2010
Tombstone Tuesday--St. Mary's Cemetery
St Mary's Catholic church was the first church built in Newaygo County, in 1851. A small cemetery is on the south side of the church yard. The church was abandoned in the 1940's as more people had cars and could travel farther to church. Later, St. Marys was turned over to the Newaygo County Society of History and Genealogy.
There have been burials more recently than that. I am not sure, however, if the cemetery is cared for by the historical society or by Croton township. At one time there was some disagreement over who had jurisdiction. I don't know how that was resolved.
This stone is for the Bruce family. Curiously, the transcript we have lists Donald, Donald, and Gallagher Bruce. Yet the only name clearly visible on the stone is Maggie. The smaller broken stones leaning around the base only have initials: JB, MB, and OB or DB. Due the rural setting of the cemetery and the age of the cemetery, there are many stones that have broken and/or been vandalized.
This stone is so sad. All the pieces there, the edges sharp and crisp. Clearly this was vandalism and not deterioration. The name here is Mighan. According to our "oh so accurate" transcript it is for Robert (1821-1873) and the epitaph is simply "Native of Kekenny in Ireland."
Another example of the damage of some of the stones. Broken in two, but preserved as best as possible, laid flat, and pieced together.
Here is another probable vandalized stone. In this case, the middle section leans against the back of the base and cap. I rotated the picture, zoomed way in and was able to read that the stone marks the grave of Annie G, wife of Robert J Herron 1836-1872. I first saw a picture of the other side of the stone, and remarked that it looked strange. If this stone was inserted, I believe the proportions would be much better.
Here again is another stone laid over, not broken, words still showing on the side and top. And the small stone leaning against the side looks so small against the base of the larger stone. Names here though I cannot make out.
This stone gives the name Harriet, wife of J S Ryan has Gorman on the smaller base. The small stone next to it has no name visible. Set in a well cared for, pastoral setting. In spite of vandalism, it is still a beautiful historic cemetery of Newaygo county.

17 September 2010
Obituary--John E Darmer
Here is another Civil War veteran who died in Fremont. This one, however never got the chance to live in Newaygo County, dying shortly after purchasing an area farm. From the 30 April 1914 Fremont Times Indicator.:
Guest at Van's Inn Drops Dead at 6 O'clock Monday Evening--Owned Farm in Denver Township
John E. Darmer, who came here last Thursday, from Lakeside, Mich., to take charge of his farm in Denver township, dropped dead in the office of Van's Inn Monday evening about 6 o'clock. The gentleman was apparently in good health, but was suddenly overcome by a cerebral hemorrhage and expired withn in a few minutes. The body was removed immediately to Scott & Crandell's undertaking rooms.
Mr. Darmer came here last August and purchased a 40 acre farm on Murphy Lake in Denver township of the Evans-Holt Co., but has not made his home in this vicinity. He arrived last week with the intention of buildina a house on his farm and of making his home there for a while at least. He was awaiting the arrival of his goods and equipment which he expected Tuesday. For 20 years past he has made his home with W. L. Veley of Lakeside.
The deceased is a veteran of the civil war. He was never married. He was 68 years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Veley arrived Tuesday to take charge of the body.
Owing to the fact that the deceased had no known relatives living, it was decided to bury the body in the soldiers lot in Maple Grove cemetery. The burial took place yesterday morning. The Rev. J. F. Bowerman conducted a short service at the grave.
(picture is part of the collection of Fremont Area District Library, Local History collection.)
Mr. Darmer never got a chance to enjoy his Fremont area farm. But it sounds like his death did create a bit of an uproar at the hotel. Definitely not good for business.
Guest at Van's Inn Drops Dead at 6 O'clock Monday Evening--Owned Farm in Denver Township
John E. Darmer, who came here last Thursday, from Lakeside, Mich., to take charge of his farm in Denver township, dropped dead in the office of Van's Inn Monday evening about 6 o'clock. The gentleman was apparently in good health, but was suddenly overcome by a cerebral hemorrhage and expired withn in a few minutes. The body was removed immediately to Scott & Crandell's undertaking rooms.
Mr. Darmer came here last August and purchased a 40 acre farm on Murphy Lake in Denver township of the Evans-Holt Co., but has not made his home in this vicinity. He arrived last week with the intention of buildina a house on his farm and of making his home there for a while at least. He was awaiting the arrival of his goods and equipment which he expected Tuesday. For 20 years past he has made his home with W. L. Veley of Lakeside.
The deceased is a veteran of the civil war. He was never married. He was 68 years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Veley arrived Tuesday to take charge of the body.
Owing to the fact that the deceased had no known relatives living, it was decided to bury the body in the soldiers lot in Maple Grove cemetery. The burial took place yesterday morning. The Rev. J. F. Bowerman conducted a short service at the grave.

Mr. Darmer never got a chance to enjoy his Fremont area farm. But it sounds like his death did create a bit of an uproar at the hotel. Definitely not good for business.
15 September 2010
Obituary--Wm. H. Norton
This is another Civil War veteran who settled in the area. One thing I love about his obituary is that they never spell out his name, just Wm. From the 1 July 1915 Fremont Times Indicator:
Pioneer Resident Passed Away After Long Illness From Cancer--Lived Here Since 1865
Wm. H. Norton died at his home in this city Monday morning after a long illness from cancer. He was 80 years of age.
Mr. Norton was born in Sunset county, Maine, Sept 3, 1834. At the age of 21 he enlisted in the regular army, serving five years. When the war of the rebellion broke out he was in San Francisco, Cal., and in August 1861 he enlisted in the First Regular California Volunteer Infantry and served over three years. While stationed in Fort Yuma, Cal., he was injured in the back while on guard duty. This injury laid him up for six months. His regiment was engaged most of the time fighting Indians.
After his discharge he returned to the east, and in April, 1865, came to Newaygo county The following May he came to Sheridan township and purchased 73 acres of land, mostly whild, where he resided for many years.
He was married in Fremont October 24, 1867 to Rose Ann Pitman, of Dayton township, and two sons were born to them, Lincoln G and Bradford S, both of whom have passed away. Mrs Norton died in February 1874, and in April 1, 1876 he married Cornelia Knowlton, widow of Wm. Douglas, who died a few weeks ago.
Mr. Norton was a member of the Dobson Post, No. 182, G. A. R.
The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, 321 Dayton St., E., Rev. J. F. Bowerman of the M. E. church officiating. Interment in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Two things strike me about this obituary. First--I am going to make a rash leap of faith and say that Wm. Douglas did not die a few weeks ago, if Mr Norton had married his widow nearly 30 years before. Maybe he died a few weeks prior to her subsequent remarriage? I hope so.
The second is something I've noticed in other obituaries, and even my husband's family history. Many people from this time went out west, and then came back again. I never think of that as being so common. People went west and settled.
But it seems that many did indeed try the West and came back to settle.
Pioneer Resident Passed Away After Long Illness From Cancer--Lived Here Since 1865
Wm. H. Norton died at his home in this city Monday morning after a long illness from cancer. He was 80 years of age.
Mr. Norton was born in Sunset county, Maine, Sept 3, 1834. At the age of 21 he enlisted in the regular army, serving five years. When the war of the rebellion broke out he was in San Francisco, Cal., and in August 1861 he enlisted in the First Regular California Volunteer Infantry and served over three years. While stationed in Fort Yuma, Cal., he was injured in the back while on guard duty. This injury laid him up for six months. His regiment was engaged most of the time fighting Indians.
After his discharge he returned to the east, and in April, 1865, came to Newaygo county The following May he came to Sheridan township and purchased 73 acres of land, mostly whild, where he resided for many years.
He was married in Fremont October 24, 1867 to Rose Ann Pitman, of Dayton township, and two sons were born to them, Lincoln G and Bradford S, both of whom have passed away. Mrs Norton died in February 1874, and in April 1, 1876 he married Cornelia Knowlton, widow of Wm. Douglas, who died a few weeks ago.
Mr. Norton was a member of the Dobson Post, No. 182, G. A. R.
The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, 321 Dayton St., E., Rev. J. F. Bowerman of the M. E. church officiating. Interment in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Two things strike me about this obituary. First--I am going to make a rash leap of faith and say that Wm. Douglas did not die a few weeks ago, if Mr Norton had married his widow nearly 30 years before. Maybe he died a few weeks prior to her subsequent remarriage? I hope so.
The second is something I've noticed in other obituaries, and even my husband's family history. Many people from this time went out west, and then came back again. I never think of that as being so common. People went west and settled.
But it seems that many did indeed try the West and came back to settle.
14 September 2010
Tombestone Tuesday--St. Joseph Cemetery
St. Joseph Cemetery is located in White Cloud, Michigan, near the center of the county. On the western edge of town is both the main White Cloud Cemetery, and across the road is Catholic cemetery, St. Joseph Cemetery.
As you can see below it is a beautiful cemetery, with many trees and shrubs and a variety of memorials and stones.
In the background of this sign you can see a large prominent crucifix. I've only been in the cemetery a couple times, and no names are visible on the closeup picture we have. I am not sure if this is a general monument or one for one or more families.
St. Joseph Cemetery is an active and growning cemetery. This you can see above how large it is. There are newer granite stones, as well as older stones.
This is a beautiful stone, reflecting the fact that this is a church cemetery. I cannot see a name in the picture even when I enlarge the picture. There are geraniums in front, so it is actively cared for. I wonder if there are family names in the back?
Here is another stone indicative of the Catholic foundation to the cemetery. Again no name is visible, even though we have several pictures, at different angles of this grave. And I am not sure what the metal marker is for. It doesn't quite look like a military flag holder, perhaps it stands for perpetual care.
This large monument for the Douchette family appears to be one of the zinc monuments. I love how they keep their crisp look. The only weathering appears to be not from decay but from the tannin in the water when the sprinklers run.
The Gannon family has this massive monument. They all appear, from our transcript, to be buried around this stone. Several of our pictures of the cemetery show stones of this size and shape, with the large cross on top.
This picture also shows a large cross topped stone. On the central right side you can see the sign for the cemetery, which faces the road. Across the busy road, you can just faintly see the crosses of White Cloud Cemetery.
But that is a coming attraction.
As you can see below it is a beautiful cemetery, with many trees and shrubs and a variety of memorials and stones.

But that is a coming attraction.
12 September 2010
Obituary--Clark Reynolds
Here is another Civil War veteran who settled in Michigan after the war, this time from Ohio.
From the 30 May 1917 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Clark Reynolds, an old veteran of the Civil War and a resident of Hesperia for the past 27 years, died at his home in Hesperia last Monday afternoon, after a lingering illness with a complication of diseases. Mr Reynolds was seventy-five years old and was born in Medina, Ohio. He was married to Miss Carrie Collins, of Medina O., and six children blessed this union, one dying in infancy.
Mr Reynolds has been a familiar figure in Hesperia, owning a farm in the village edge, he was always busy about it, and never missed being in the Grand Army ranks on Decoration Day. He will be greatly missed by everyone.
The funeral was held at the house Tuesday at 2p.m., Rev. Klerekoper officiating.
He leaves an aged wife in very feeble health to mourn the departure of one who was so careful of her and saved her in every way; also three sons and two daughters, Charles, Frank, Martin, Minnie and Dora. Interment in the East cemetery.
A more personal touch to this obituary than the previous veteran obituary. Perhaps Mrs Robertson had a hand in this one.
From the 30 May 1917 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Clark Reynolds, an old veteran of the Civil War and a resident of Hesperia for the past 27 years, died at his home in Hesperia last Monday afternoon, after a lingering illness with a complication of diseases. Mr Reynolds was seventy-five years old and was born in Medina, Ohio. He was married to Miss Carrie Collins, of Medina O., and six children blessed this union, one dying in infancy.
Mr Reynolds has been a familiar figure in Hesperia, owning a farm in the village edge, he was always busy about it, and never missed being in the Grand Army ranks on Decoration Day. He will be greatly missed by everyone.
The funeral was held at the house Tuesday at 2p.m., Rev. Klerekoper officiating.
He leaves an aged wife in very feeble health to mourn the departure of one who was so careful of her and saved her in every way; also three sons and two daughters, Charles, Frank, Martin, Minnie and Dora. Interment in the East cemetery.
A more personal touch to this obituary than the previous veteran obituary. Perhaps Mrs Robertson had a hand in this one.
10 September 2010
Obituary--George A Miller
In looking through some of the old obituaries I have collected into a stash for posting, I noticed that we have quite a few obituaries of Civil War veterans. Today's obituary is the first in a series of a few that I have saved out.
The first portion is a brief notice, probably from the community column. The section, longer obituary was a week later.
First, from the 9 September 1915 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Geo. A. Mills, a veteran of the Civil war, died at his home two miles east and two miles north Monday, at the age of 70 years. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. E. F. ell.
And then, from the 16 September, 1915 Fremont Times Indicator:
George A. Mills was born in the state of New York April 20, 1945. He was the son of Stillman and Johanna (Harrington) Mills, the former a native of Vermont; the latter of New York. At the age of 12 years he went to live with his oldest brother, where he remained until he was seventeen.
September 15, 1862 he enlisted in the 149th N. Y. volunteer Infantry and served until June 12, 1865, receiving an honorable discharge ad Bladensburg, Ind. Serious illness confined him to the hospital for some time and he was then detailed on detached services at Philadelphia. He afterward re-joined his regiment in Tennessee and remained until his discharge.
After being employed in a paper mill in New York for nearly four years, he came to Hillsdale county, Mich., in 1869, where remained for five years. In the spring of 1874 he came to Newaygo county and purchased 80 acres of partly improved land in Sherman township, where he lived until his death September 4.
Mr. Mills was married in Auburn N. Y., August 20, 1867 to Esther Hayward, who was born in Mendon N. Y., December 17, 1845. One child Burton H., was born to them October 15, 1873.
The deceased was a member of Henry Dobson Post, G. A. R., and of the I. O. O. F. He was an honest citizen, a good neighbor and will be missed by all.
One thing I have noticed while going through the old obituaries is now often the deceased is from another state or country. Of course many veterans came after the war for land, as well as immigrants. That accounts in part for our large waves of Danish, German, Dutch and Scotch citizens.
The first portion is a brief notice, probably from the community column. The section, longer obituary was a week later.
First, from the 9 September 1915 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Geo. A. Mills, a veteran of the Civil war, died at his home two miles east and two miles north Monday, at the age of 70 years. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. E. F. ell.
And then, from the 16 September, 1915 Fremont Times Indicator:
George A. Mills was born in the state of New York April 20, 1945. He was the son of Stillman and Johanna (Harrington) Mills, the former a native of Vermont; the latter of New York. At the age of 12 years he went to live with his oldest brother, where he remained until he was seventeen.
September 15, 1862 he enlisted in the 149th N. Y. volunteer Infantry and served until June 12, 1865, receiving an honorable discharge ad Bladensburg, Ind. Serious illness confined him to the hospital for some time and he was then detailed on detached services at Philadelphia. He afterward re-joined his regiment in Tennessee and remained until his discharge.
After being employed in a paper mill in New York for nearly four years, he came to Hillsdale county, Mich., in 1869, where remained for five years. In the spring of 1874 he came to Newaygo county and purchased 80 acres of partly improved land in Sherman township, where he lived until his death September 4.
Mr. Mills was married in Auburn N. Y., August 20, 1867 to Esther Hayward, who was born in Mendon N. Y., December 17, 1845. One child Burton H., was born to them October 15, 1873.
The deceased was a member of Henry Dobson Post, G. A. R., and of the I. O. O. F. He was an honest citizen, a good neighbor and will be missed by all.
One thing I have noticed while going through the old obituaries is now often the deceased is from another state or country. Of course many veterans came after the war for land, as well as immigrants. That accounts in part for our large waves of Danish, German, Dutch and Scotch citizens.
09 September 2010
Obituary--Unknown Stranger
In this age of fingerprinting and DNA testing, it seems hard to realize that a couple weeks after a body was found, that the name was still missing. Especially when it was determined where he worked, and who he worked for.
I love these old mysteries.
From the 30 August 1917 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Ashland Farmer Finds Body of Chicago Man Missing Several Days
Some excitement was caused in Ashland last Friday, August 17, when the body of a man was found floating in the Muskegon river just north of that place, near what is known as the Wheeler rollway. The Body, which had evidently been in the water about ten days, was found by Frank Bickle, who notified Coroner A. J. McKinley and an investigation was begun at once. From papers found on the dead man's clothing, it was first supposed that his name was Jogodzinski, but this was later disproved, and though his name has not as yet been ascertained, Mr. McKinley and Prosecuting Attorney Wm. J. Branstrom succeeded in establishing his identity.
Their investigation revealed that J. Jogodzinski, a saloon keeper of Chicago, recently purchased a tract of 200 acres of land near Wooster, placing his brother in charge and sending him a helper, the man who later drowned. The helper had been employed in Jogodzinski's saloon for several years past and was, according to reports, a heavy drinker and wholly irresponsible. About two weeks ago he left the farm, wearing Jogodzinski's coat, containing papers belonging to the latter. This lead to the early belief that the body was that of Jogodzinski. From facts at hand it is evident he walked due south from Wooster, striking the river at a point near where his body was later found. he had no money, and it was so clearly a case of accidental death that it was decided no inquest was necessary. The body was temporarily interred in Ashland cemetery Saturday to await instructions from Chicago.
I am sure Mr Jogodzinski was thrilled to have a helper sent to him by his brother, who was "a heavy drinker and wholly irresponsible." And Wooster is 8 to 10 miles from the Muskegon River, with several lakes in between. This victim was either lucky to get where he did, or else a determined drunk who want to float down the river to get to Lake Michigan and Chicago. But quite the mystery for a while.
I wonder if the body was ever moved to Chicago?
I love these old mysteries.
From the 30 August 1917 Fremont TimesIndicator:
Ashland Farmer Finds Body of Chicago Man Missing Several Days
Some excitement was caused in Ashland last Friday, August 17, when the body of a man was found floating in the Muskegon river just north of that place, near what is known as the Wheeler rollway. The Body, which had evidently been in the water about ten days, was found by Frank Bickle, who notified Coroner A. J. McKinley and an investigation was begun at once. From papers found on the dead man's clothing, it was first supposed that his name was Jogodzinski, but this was later disproved, and though his name has not as yet been ascertained, Mr. McKinley and Prosecuting Attorney Wm. J. Branstrom succeeded in establishing his identity.
Their investigation revealed that J. Jogodzinski, a saloon keeper of Chicago, recently purchased a tract of 200 acres of land near Wooster, placing his brother in charge and sending him a helper, the man who later drowned. The helper had been employed in Jogodzinski's saloon for several years past and was, according to reports, a heavy drinker and wholly irresponsible. About two weeks ago he left the farm, wearing Jogodzinski's coat, containing papers belonging to the latter. This lead to the early belief that the body was that of Jogodzinski. From facts at hand it is evident he walked due south from Wooster, striking the river at a point near where his body was later found. he had no money, and it was so clearly a case of accidental death that it was decided no inquest was necessary. The body was temporarily interred in Ashland cemetery Saturday to await instructions from Chicago.
I am sure Mr Jogodzinski was thrilled to have a helper sent to him by his brother, who was "a heavy drinker and wholly irresponsible." And Wooster is 8 to 10 miles from the Muskegon River, with several lakes in between. This victim was either lucky to get where he did, or else a determined drunk who want to float down the river to get to Lake Michigan and Chicago. But quite the mystery for a while.
I wonder if the body was ever moved to Chicago?
07 September 2010
Tombstone Tuesday--St. John's Cemetery
This week's cemetery threw me for a loop. It is hard to give an informed report on a cemetery, when we have nothing about it.
We do have pictures and they include a shot of the sign for St. John's Cemetery. However, I could find no record of a St. John's Catholic Church. We have no transcript of the cemetery. But, it is shown in the Library of Michigan's Michigan Cemetery Atlas, dated 1991. St. John's is located in Ensley township, section 11. It is almost directly across from North Ensley cemetery, located in section 2. I dug deeper.
Armed with this information, and a brief paragraph in the book Grant Area, Yesterday and Today I felt I was getting somewhere. (It was locally published in 979 and is the history of that area of the county that includes Ensley Township.) That in turn lead me to Pioneer Parade, which is a history of Ensley Township assembled in 1978 by the Ensley Historical Committee.
There I hit pay dirt. There was a photograph of a narrow wood framed white church labeled St. John's Roman Catholic Church. It was erected in 1881 sometime after the first services were held in the 1870 in the home of an Irish family named Kinney. The cemetery was formed in the church yard. The Pioneer Parade states, at the time of publication, except 1971-72, the cemetery has been maintained by descendants of the original Kinney family.
The monument above was erected in 1889 for John Kinney, Sr. As one of the leading parishioners, and one who donated the land, he was able to choose the first lot according to the Pioneer Parade, and he chose what was then front row center. A very impressive piece of Vermont marble.
This lovely tall stone is not a Kinney, but the exact name is unclear. Perhaps Lauder. But probably still a Kinney relative. The Pioneer Parade reports that approximately 100 persons are buried here. Most stones bear the name of Kinney, and many that do not, were probably related through marriage.
Many of the stones here are the taller style, which were quite typical of the late 1880's
Here is another Kinney monument, with great detailing and bordered plot. John Kinney's large massive stone in in the background.
This more secluded area shows a grave covered with what I believe to be creeping myrtle. According again to the Pioneer Parade, the cemetery as well as the church, were patterned after what they had left in Ireland. The Kinney family sent back to Ireland for the creeping myrtle that reportedly covered the cemeteries "back home." Many of the picture we have show this dark, low lying ground cover in the cemetery.
I don't know if in the last 30 years or so if the Kinney family still maintain the cemetery, or if it has come under the township. But it is clear that in this area of the county, one family made quite a difference.
We do have pictures and they include a shot of the sign for St. John's Cemetery. However, I could find no record of a St. John's Catholic Church. We have no transcript of the cemetery. But, it is shown in the Library of Michigan's Michigan Cemetery Atlas, dated 1991. St. John's is located in Ensley township, section 11. It is almost directly across from North Ensley cemetery, located in section 2. I dug deeper.

The monument above was erected in 1889 for John Kinney, Sr. As one of the leading parishioners, and one who donated the land, he was able to choose the first lot according to the Pioneer Parade, and he chose what was then front row center. A very impressive piece of Vermont marble.

I don't know if in the last 30 years or so if the Kinney family still maintain the cemetery, or if it has come under the township. But it is clear that in this area of the county, one family made quite a difference.
05 September 2010
Obituary--Mrs Henry Vennegirts
At first glance, this name seems so obviously to be one of our early Dutch settlers. But looking at her birth place, it seems she is one of those who although thought of locally as of Dutch descent, is actually German. Although with the fluctuating borders in Europe, it is possible that she considered herself Dutch. At least she seemed to live in areas of Michigan which had large percentages of residents with a background from the Netherlands.
From the 8 March 1917 Fremont TimesIndicator, in two separate columns:
Hendrika Masselink was born in Ulsen, Graafschapt Bentein, Germany, October 31, 1860 and died March 2, 1917 in Reeman.
She came to America March 18, 1882, was married to John Mast in 1883, in Drenth, Mich., and came to Reeman in 1884. Eight children were born to this union all of which survive, namely, Mrs. John Witte, Mrs. Walter Luchies, Harry Mast of Fremont, Mrs. John Hoolsema, of Grand Rapids, and Henry, Nick, Janie and Clara at home.
Her husband died in 1902 and she was married again in 1903 to Henry Vennegirts. One daughter, Jennie, was born to this union. Mr. Vennegirts died September 15, 1915. Besides her children Mrs. Vennegirts is survived by three sisters and one brother.
Funeral services were held Wednesday. Interment in Maple Grove cemetery at Fremont.
That obituary appears to have come from a regular obituary posting in the paper. The following is a notice in the Reeman community column.
This community was shocked last Friday when they learned of the very sudden death of Mrs Henry Vennegirts. The deceased had been ill but a few days with an attack of the grippe, though her condition was not considered fatally serious. Death was caused by heart failure which came on so suddenly that death came before aid could be summoned.
So many of the surnames of her children are common surnames in the Fremont/Reeman area today. I am sure her legacy lives on even now.
From the 8 March 1917 Fremont TimesIndicator, in two separate columns:
Hendrika Masselink was born in Ulsen, Graafschapt Bentein, Germany, October 31, 1860 and died March 2, 1917 in Reeman.
She came to America March 18, 1882, was married to John Mast in 1883, in Drenth, Mich., and came to Reeman in 1884. Eight children were born to this union all of which survive, namely, Mrs. John Witte, Mrs. Walter Luchies, Harry Mast of Fremont, Mrs. John Hoolsema, of Grand Rapids, and Henry, Nick, Janie and Clara at home.
Her husband died in 1902 and she was married again in 1903 to Henry Vennegirts. One daughter, Jennie, was born to this union. Mr. Vennegirts died September 15, 1915. Besides her children Mrs. Vennegirts is survived by three sisters and one brother.
Funeral services were held Wednesday. Interment in Maple Grove cemetery at Fremont.
That obituary appears to have come from a regular obituary posting in the paper. The following is a notice in the Reeman community column.
This community was shocked last Friday when they learned of the very sudden death of Mrs Henry Vennegirts. The deceased had been ill but a few days with an attack of the grippe, though her condition was not considered fatally serious. Death was caused by heart failure which came on so suddenly that death came before aid could be summoned.
So many of the surnames of her children are common surnames in the Fremont/Reeman area today. I am sure her legacy lives on even now.
03 September 2010
Obituary--Miss Edra M. Cooper
This obituary is a sad story of a child who apparently came to spend the summer with her grandparents, when she took ill and very quickly died. Thankfully such deaths in this age of antibiotics and x-rays are much less common.
From the 23 August 1917 Fremont Times Indicator:
Miss Edra M. Cooper of Columbus, Ind., Died Sunday Morning of Acute Tuberculosis
Miss Edra M. Cooper of Columbus, Ind., who came here eight weeks ago to visit relatives, passed away early Sunday morning at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Baker, after a three days' illness of acute tuberculosis. Miss Cooper had been in delicate health for some time but her condition did not become serious until Thursday evening when she suffered a hemorrhage which was followed during the next two days by several others. She was nineteen years of age.
Miss Cooper was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Cooper of Columbus, and was born April 11, 1898 in Greentown, Ind. When five years of age her parents moved to Louisville where they made their home for one year. They then moved to Columbus and have since resided there. During the past fourteen years Miss Cooper has visited Fremont several times and had many friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were sent for Friday the latter arriving here Saturday, the former Sunday evening. The body was taken to Columbus Monday evening accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Ernest Rasey, a cousin of Miss Cooper. The funeral service will be held in Columbus this afternoon.
Such a sad story. Only 19. It is certainly sad the way a life could be snuffed out when there were no modern medicines. It makes you appreciate the opportunities we have today.
From the 23 August 1917 Fremont Times Indicator:
Miss Edra M. Cooper of Columbus, Ind., Died Sunday Morning of Acute Tuberculosis
Miss Edra M. Cooper of Columbus, Ind., who came here eight weeks ago to visit relatives, passed away early Sunday morning at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Baker, after a three days' illness of acute tuberculosis. Miss Cooper had been in delicate health for some time but her condition did not become serious until Thursday evening when she suffered a hemorrhage which was followed during the next two days by several others. She was nineteen years of age.
Miss Cooper was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Cooper of Columbus, and was born April 11, 1898 in Greentown, Ind. When five years of age her parents moved to Louisville where they made their home for one year. They then moved to Columbus and have since resided there. During the past fourteen years Miss Cooper has visited Fremont several times and had many friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were sent for Friday the latter arriving here Saturday, the former Sunday evening. The body was taken to Columbus Monday evening accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Ernest Rasey, a cousin of Miss Cooper. The funeral service will be held in Columbus this afternoon.
Such a sad story. Only 19. It is certainly sad the way a life could be snuffed out when there were no modern medicines. It makes you appreciate the opportunities we have today.
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