My featured cemetery this week is Parkview Cemetery. As seen in the background of this and some of the other pictures, it is located next to Grant High School, on the east side of Grant, Newaygo county, Michigan.

As near as I can tell this is a fairly recent cemetery. I don't see any of the older obelisk type stones in the pictures. The transcript we have here in the library is apparently a sexton's register, as the entries are all hand lettered. Rather than each page being alphabetical, they are by date. A quick look through the transcript shows the earliest dates see to be from the early 1930's. And this cemetery is still used for burials to this date.

No wiggle room here for "I didn't know that!" Cemetery rules are clearly posted. Urns dumped by first of October, winter decorations removed April 1st. No glass jars or wire baskets. No planting of shrubs without permission. And if urns aren't used by June 10, they will be removed. And a 10 mile per hour speed limit.

This hand crafted cross for Mom and Dad is located by, and apparently part of the Morrison memorial. Notice in the background that almost all the stones are of a modern granite style. Obviously these pictures were taken in the fall, but before October 1st. There is at least one urn here that hasn't been tipped over.

With the high school in the background, you can again see that the stones are mostly modern looking. Two are shaped into scallops or hearts. Another couple shown here have the laser etched pictures. Note too that there still seems to be a lot of space left here in Parkview.

Not all are modern granite. This wonderful stone simple says McCormick. Note date given. on the smoother section near the base area however is engraved Rock of Ages. A very impressive job. While the cement looks a little weathered, I see no sign of stones that have fallen out.

Another overall view of the cemetery. Again, full and empty urns and none of the older style of memorials.

But at least one of my old favorite memorials: The good old tree stump stone. I am unable to make out the name on it---_illey. Possible first letters are R or H, but I don't show anything similar in the transcript. I do love the are where the name is engraved. It looks like a section of bark was peeled from the stone and left to hang down. Beautiful.
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