One of the things I find frustrating, not to mention puzzling about some of my family stones is when the obviously places for recording information is left blank. Take for instance this family stone for my maternal great-great-grandparents.

A lovely large stone. The back view, which I can't find a picture of, is stacked logs which make it easy to locate in the cemetery. But.....look at all that space to record names and dates! The only information is the family name Samis on the bottom of the stone. It is clear to read, but look at that scroll hanging along the front of the stone.
Luckily there are also some individual stones for the family members. Here is the stone for GGGrandfather James Henry, who I blogged about

And his wife Sarah is located next to him, along with a couple children.

While not the best pictures, these two hold a special place in my heart. I found out a few years ago that some of my friends live on farm that was owned by James and Sarah. Located in the far northeastern corner of the county, it is quite drive, but is still great to visit, knowing that my ancestors walked the same ground.
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